Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation
2008 Calendar
Calendar Cover-this is LAST year's calendar -2008 is coming very soon!
Sample of interior
Copies of the 2008 IGRF Rescue
Calendar are almost available!!!! This
is a 13 month calendar measuring 8.5" x 11". It is SPECTACULAR!!!
The cover is in full color and features beautiful
IGs!!!! Some of the IGs are gorgeous show dogs, most are couch
potato pets....but all are EXQUISITE!!! For each month there is a
full page large color IG photo and also a group of 7 smaller
IG thumbnail photos. This is not a slick, glossy usual breed
calendar. This is a special calendar ... loaded with love!!!
Included is a partial catalog listing of IG related items sold
through the website at:
There is also a list of advertisers...mostly vendors selling IG
related products & services.
Every penny of profit resulting from
calendar sales will be used on behalf of a dog!!!!!
Price is $12
-for USA residents this includes the cost of shipping.
When ordering by check, please make your check payable to IGRF and mail to:
Judy Longhouse
IGRF Calendar
Bonfire Mobile Home Park
515 Kimberly Ave.
FL 34788