Three beautiful Italian Greyhound Rescues appear in this portrait. From left to right are: Adam, Gus and Mr. Wobbles (aka Wobby or Wobbs). Adam is owned and loved by Dr. Gary & Mitzi Brown. He was found in a New Jersey "shelter" with a shattered pelvis. Thanks to Dr. Brown (a wonderful vet) the pelvis was repaired and Adam has found the home of his dreams. Gus was owned and loved by Pat Ringelstetter. Although Gus has crossed the rainbow bridge he left many wonderful memories behind him. He was the luckiest little Iggy in the world to have found a home with Pat. Mr. Wobbles knew nothing but a life of misery and neglect until he was rescued by Char Wamser and Laura Thompson. Wobby is now owned and loved by Laurie Knoll and his life is now one of pampered luxury. These are three very special dogs!
This is part of a signed, numbered limited edition series of prints.
11" x 17"
Price is $28.00
Please email
Judy Longhouseto order.
Index of Prints